

  • 候补名单


如果你需要的课已经满了, you may be able to get on a waitlist to register if an opening becomes available. 候补名单 is a new option that lets you wait in line electronically for a seat in a full class.



候补名单 is a process that allows you to wait in line electronically for a seat in a full class. Being on a waitlist does not guarantee that you will be able to register for the class, but it does allow you to wait for a seat to become available without having to constantly check the status on the class schedule. 空缺席位的通知将发送到您的澳门新葡京博彩官方电子邮件. 你只有24小时的回复时间, so it is important that you check your email daily if you have waitlisted a class. 


No. 如果您收到电子邮件通知,当有座位可用, 您必须在截止日期前24小时登录ace进行注册.


No. 只有你能把自己加入候补名单. 如果你需要帮助,联系你的导师或部门.


候补名单 is available through the day before Enrollment Management Week begins.

The schedule of classes will indicate if a waitlist is available in the WL column.




开放- ##等待列表|关闭- ##等待列表

The class has reached its maximum enrollment, but there are available spots on the waitlist.
任何可用的座位都将提供给等待名单上的学生. ##表示候补名单上的学生人数. 


班级和候补名单都满了. 任何可用的座位都将提供给等待名单上的学生.


You may encounter other errors when you join a waitlist or register for a class from the waitlist. 请致电部门服务部寻求协助.


A waitlist becomes available when a class has reached its maximum enrollment capacity. At this point, you will encounter a registration error if you try to enroll in the class. 然后你可以选择加入候补名单. 


You must have completed all prerequisites for the class and meet any restrictions for the class in order to join a waitlist. 例如, 如果你成功地等待了一个课程, 但是没有资格注册这门课, 您将收到一个注册错误, 即使你已经被告知有座位给你.


No, but you will not be able to register for the class if the time conflict has not been resolved. 任何预期的注册错误都应该提前处理.





转到ace中的学生详细时间表. 对于已列入候补名单的课程,您将看到“候补名单位置”部分.


如果你的号码是0,你就会被告知有一个座位. The Notification Expires section has a date and time you must register by to accept the seat.

如果一个区域有7个座位, 是否会向候补学生发送七份通知?

是的. Within the hour, the first seven students on the waitlist will be notified of the available seats. 如果候补名单上只有六个学生, 所有六个人都得到通知, 在24小时的通知时间内,为他们保留了座位. 第七个座位将留给另一个学生, 谁不会遇到候补名单, 谁可以立即注册.

这个班有空位,但我不能报名. 为什么我不能在候补名单上?

候补名单可能已经满了. 请尝试其他部分或稍后再试.


你可能不符合加入候补名单的要求. 咨询你的指导老师,确保你有资格参加这门课.



No. 在候补名单上并不能保证注册. 通过加入班级候补名单, 如果班上有空位,你可能会被安排一个座位, 但是等候名单并不能保证有座位.


您将通过您的澳门新葡京博彩的电子邮件收到通知. 确保每天检查你的电子邮件和垃圾邮件.

What do I do once I’ve been notified that I am eligible for an available seat in the class?

  1. 登入ace
  2. 进入注册页面
  3. 从ACTION下拉框中选择**Web Registered**
  4. 单击提交
  5. 页面刷新后, verify that the class is now showing as **Web Registered** on your Current Schedule and no registration errors have appeared.



收到通知后,您有24小时的时间进行注册. 您的电子邮件通知将指定您的注册时间何时到期. If you do not register during this timeframe, you will be removed from the waitlist. You will need to add yourself to the waitlist again, where you will be at the bottom of the list.

如果我收到通知说我在班上有一个座位怎么办, 但是当我想注册的时候,课程已经关闭了, 否则我就错过了注册的时间?

  • Sign up on the waitlist again; however, you will start at the bottom of the waitlist. 
  • 在晚登记期间检查班级是否有空位. 
  • 关于添加课程,请咨询系里. 
  • Review the class schedule or ask your advisor about other class options or an alternative schedule.


我被列入了一门课的候补名单,现在这门课不在我的课程表上了. 发生了什么事?

如果在注册期间发生这种情况, most likely you were notified by email that you could register and failed to do so by the deadline. 记住,等候名单不是一个自动的过程. 如果“注册管理”已启动, 等候名单已结束, 所有仍在候补名单上的学生都被从候补名单上除名了.

我可以在多个候补名单上吗? 不同的班级? 对于同一类的不同部分?

是的. 你可以在多个不同课程的候补名单上.

No. You cannot be registered for a class and then waitlist a different section of the same class.

No. 你不能为同一类的多个部分排队.



是的. 课程将在您的日程安排中,注册状态为“等待列表”.“在候补名单上并不意味着你已经注册了这门课.

You can see your waitlisted classes and your position in line for each waitlist you are on. 在正式注册之前,您不会被收取课程费用. 

Will the waitlisted class remain in my registration record if I do not register for the class?

The waitlisted class will be dropped from your Add/Drop Class and Detailed Class Schedule pages in ace if you do not register before the deadline. The class may be displayed in your registration record for up to one hour after your notification expires.


No. 等候名单上的课程不计入任何尝试时间, 登记, 直到你正式注册这门课.


把你的名字从候补名单中删除,这样其他人可以加入他们的名字. 把自己从候补名单上除名, 登录ace, 进入您的注册页面, 从ACTION下拉菜单中选择“DROP”, 点击“提交”.”


Tuition and fees will be assessed AFTER you have actually registered for the class. 候补课程不算作尝试过的课程, 登记, or earned hours towards your enrollment status UNTIL you officially register for the class.